Cure Advisor Seth Wilson joined the Partnership for Conservation on its trip to DC to Educate lawmakers about preserving tax credits that aid in preserving land. Learn more about conservation partnerships and how you can take advantage of this important tool to preserve your property while being compensated. Day 1 Briefing at Holland & Knight. Going to Capital Hill. Meeting with Amanda Eaton, Legislative Director for Rep. Mark Takano Meeting with Senator Kamala Harris’ staff. Members Yasmin Rigney and Drew Spence.
CURE sponsored the Riverside State of the City event recently. Below, CURE President, Malissa McKeith with Bob Johnson, CEO, County of Riverside. CURE was a Gold Sponsor of this great event at which Mayor Rusty Bailey spoke about Riverside’s proud heritage and bright future including a new office of Homelessness to find permanent housing for or neighbors. Riverside ROCKS!
CURE celebrates with Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia and the residents of Desert Shores who are successfully implementing a “fix” to the Salton Sea Shoreline in their area. Congratulations to The EcoMedia Compass for all the grassroots organizing.
CURE attended the Atlantic Monthly Water Conference on November 2, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California which grappled with a wide range of resource issues. Most notable was a discussion from Dig Deep about the millions of Americans who have no running water in their home – a tragedy that must stop. CURE supports efforts underway in the California legislature that would put a small tax on water to raise funds for families in Central Valley or Imperial Irrigation Districts that have no potable water.
CURE member Kerry Morrison attended the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Conference on October 25, 2017. CURE has urged CVEP and the County of Riverside to conduct a thorough economic study demonstrating the impacts to property values, tourism, and health if the Sea is not restored.
Our Ad said it all.
CURE was invited to speak on the future of the Salton Sea at Pitzer College, along with representatives from the Salton Sea Authority, the Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge and The EcoMedia Compass. We are always happy to educate and inspire our next generations into action!
Malissa McKeith, a board member of Urban Water Institutes, attends conference tackling tough issues like the Oroville Dam flooding, Bay Delta restoration, and US-Mexico water issues on the Colorado. Below: Patricia Mulroy, the Brookings Institute, Jeff Kightlinger, General Manager of Metropolitan Water District, Gaston Lukan, Founder of Pronatura de Mexico; Juanita Salas, Imperial Irrigation District, and Zeus enjoying the Sea in San Diego.
CURE president Malissa McKeith attends Partnership 4 Conservation Annual Board Meeting in Atlanta,Georgia. P4C’s goal is to protect tax incentives for private conservation easements. With increased demands on government budgets, private investment in conservation is critical.
CURE Advisory Board Member Seth Wilson spoke at a Crowd Funding Conference in Marina Del Rey in June. Crowd Funding increasingly is used to finance real estate transactions and can be utilized to conserve open space for habitat or recreation purposes.
CURE Junior Advocate, Melissa Banales, attended the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) conference in June focusing on the growing logistics market. With increased online purchases, warehouses are unavoidable and the proximity to several interstates makes the Ontario-Riverside-Moreno Valley a target location. Along with warehousing comes increased air pollution from trucking and wear and tear on city streets.
CURE salutes LA Clean Tech and the La Kretz business incubator which promotes green technologies. Thank you Liz Morrison for an inspiring tour.
CURE thanks the Drever Foundation and Maxwell Drever for sponsoring Hotbed in Tiburon California to raise money for Planet Hope. Planet Hope provides resources for abused mothers and children.
Malissa McKeith discussed how communities can F.I.G.H.T undesirable developments at a panel sponsored through Pitzer College Robert Redford Conservancy Center. April 2017.
CURE supports UCR and the County of Riverside’s focus on long-term economic growth and sustainability. Here leading economists Christopher Thornberg discusses UCR’s College of Economic Forecasting. April 2017.
CURE annually sponsors Grow Riverside, here the participants tour the Temecula Olive Ranch as part of its push for more urban agriculture. Thanks to owner Tom Curry and Joyce Jung from the City of Riverside for a great day.
Malissa and Melissa attend the Grow Riverside Citrus Circle Dinner. Grow Riverside supports the development of a robust local food system in the City of Riverside. provides a steady source of news and information on local food system initiatives, urban farming endeavors, funding and grant opportunities, farmer training programs, food access and security efforts, sustainable growing innovations from aquaponics to hydroponics and more.
CURE attends the Living Desert Fundraiser: March 2017. The Living Desert Zoo Gardens preserves a portion of the Colorado Desert in its natural state, to foster an awareness of, and an appreciation for, the variety of plants and animals in worldwide ecosystem.
CURE sponsored a Fun-Raiser at Lionhead in Casa McKeith February 2017 to support Grow Riverside. Riverside Councilman MacArthur, Souborious, Davis and Garner attended as well as Kevin Kelly, Executive Director of Imperial Irrigation District, Jeff Kightlinger, General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District of California, Angelina Galiteva, Chair of the California Independent System Operator, and Girish Balachandran, General Manager of Riverside Public Utilities.
CURE congratulates S. David Freeman recent recipient of a life time award in supporting renewable energy. David Freeman is the author of The Green Cowboy, available on Kindle.
CURE annually sponsors the Urban Water Institute Conference in Palm Springs,California February 2017.
This year UWI honored Fran Spivey-Weber, retiring member of the State Water Resources Control Board. Thank you Fran for protecting our water and environment.